About Us
Passion for yoga, love for community.
Strong Limbs: Homegrown Yoga believes a strong body will improve your overall quality of life. Whether a novice or seasoned practitioner, everyone can reap the physical benefits of yoga. Our goal is to help you reach your fullest potential by strengthening and lengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and disciplining yourself to focus on the present and limiting distractions.
Deep Roots: As Oakmont residents, we feel passionate about wanting to share our love of yoga with our community. We want students to feel at home in the studio by encouraging personal engagement and creating a space where both the mind and body are attended to. We believe that in order to bring positive changes to the community one must first seek personal growth and transformation and that yoga makes this possible.
Open Hearts: We at Homegrown Yoga ask you to come as you are and harness your full potential. The studio is a judgement free zone where every body is welcomed and honored. We lead with our hearts and celebrate diversity by joining together our breath and energy. Our wish is that every time you leave a class, you take some peacefulness with you. Through our own individual growth and with a strong sense of community, we open our hearts to the beauty that can be found in every day.